List of Annotation Methods in Django

List of Annotation Methods in Django

Картинка к публикации: List of Annotation Methods in Django

What Is an Annotation in Django?

An annotation in Django is a tool that lets you enhance and extend database queries. It enables you to add calculated values, aggregated data, and other extra fields to query results without having to modify your database schema. An annotation helps you retrieve the data you need in a convenient format, which is especially useful for creating complex queries.

  • Calculated Fields: You can create computed fields based on existing data. For instance, you could build a field that concatenates two other fields from your model.
  • Data Aggregation: An annotation allows you to perform aggregations in your queries, such as counts, sums, averages, and more.
  • Data Grouping: You can use an annotation to group data and produce dictionaries with aggregated results.
  • Performance Boost: Annotation can improve performance because it lets you gather necessary information from the database with minimal queries.

Let’s start by defining a few Django models:

from django.db import models

# "Author" model
class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    birth_date = models.DateField()

    def __str__(self):

# "Review" model
class Review(models.Model):
    content = models.TextField()
    rating = models.IntegerField()

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Review for {}"

# "Book" model
class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    genre = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    publication_date = models.DateField()
    current_page = models.IntegerField()
    total_pages = models.IntegerField()
    official_url = models.URLField(null=True, blank=True)
    alternative_url = models.URLField(null=True, blank=True)
    backup_url = models.URLField(null=True, blank=True)
    review = models.ForeignKey(Review, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title

In this example, we have three models: Author, Book, and Review. Book is linked to Author using a foreign key, and Review is linked to Book using another foreign key.

Before we dive into using annotations, let’s clarify some fundamental concepts:

  • Annotation: The process of adding extra calculated fields to your query results without changing the database schema. These fields can represent aggregated data, computations based on existing fields, and more.
  • QuerySet: A QuerySet object represents a database query. You can use it to filter data, run queries against the database, and add annotations.

Applying Annotations in Queries

To apply annotations in your queries, you can use the .annotate() method on a QuerySet. This method lets you add annotations and calculate values for extra fields.

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import F

# Adding an annotation that increases the book's publication year by 10
books = Book.objects.annotate(new_publication_year=F('publication_date__year') + 10)

The F() module in Django provides a way to reference model fields in your annotations. It lets you express one field relative to another field within a single database query. This is especially useful when you need to perform calculations for each record or compare two fields.

List of Aggregation Methods

  • Count: Counts the number of objects in a QuerySet.
  • Sum: Calculates the sum of numeric fields in a QuerySet.
  • Avg: Computes the average value of numeric fields in a QuerySet.
  • Min: Finds the minimum value of numeric fields in a QuerySet.
  • Max: Finds the maximum value of numeric fields in a QuerySet.

Counting the Number of Reviews per Book

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Count

books_with_review_count = Book.objects.annotate(review_count=Count('review'))

Calculating the Average Rating for All Books

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Avg

average_rating = Book.objects.aggregate(average_rating=Avg('review__rating'))

Description of Annotation Methods

The Window() method allows you to perform analytical calculations, such as ranking, window functions, and other operations that depend on the order of records in your query results.

Example of using Window() to calculate a ranking of books by publication date:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import F, Window
from django.db.models.functions import Rank

books = Book.objects.annotate(rank=Window(expression=Rank(), order_by=F('publication_date').desc()))

You can also define a frame (Frame()) to fine-tune window functions, which is useful when you need to specify which records are included in the window for computation.

Example of using Window() with Frame() to compute the average book price based on surrounding records:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Window, Avg
from django.db.models.window import Frame

books = Book.objects.annotate(
        frame=Frame(start='lag', end='lead')

Sign() determines the sign (positive, negative, or zero) of a numeric value and annotates the result. This is handy when you need to distinguish among positive, negative, or zero values.

Example of using Sign() to annotate the sign of a numeric field:

from myapp.models import Transaction
from django.db.models.functions import Sign

transactions = Transaction.objects.annotate(transaction_sign=Sign('amount'))

Range() calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum values of a numeric field in a QuerySet.

Example of using Range() to annotate the difference between the maximum and minimum product prices:

from myapp.models import Product
from django.db.models import Max, Min, F, ExpressionWrapper

products = Product.objects.annotate(
        Max('price') - Min('price'),

Round() lets you round a numeric field to a specified number of decimal places.

Example of using Round() to round the average rating to 2 decimal places:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Avg
from django.db.models.functions import Round

average_rating = Book.objects.aggregate(avg_rating=Round(Avg('reviews__rating'), 2))

Ceil() and Floor()

These functions round numeric values up or down, respectively.

Example of using Ceil() to annotate a book’s price rounded up:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Ceil

books = Book.objects.annotate(ceiled_price=Ceil('price'))

Subquery() lets you embed a query within an annotation. You can use it to retrieve values from another query and incorporate them into your annotation.

Example of using Subquery() to pull data from another model:

from myapp.models import Author, Book
from django.db.models import Subquery

subquery = Book.objects.filter(author=OuterRef('pk')).order_by('-publication_date').values('title')[:1]
authors = Author.objects.annotate(latest_book_title=Subquery(subquery))

OuterRef() allows you to reference fields from the outer query, while Subquery() incorporates a nested query that can refer to OuterRef().

Example of using OuterRef() and Subquery() to tie two models together and add annotations:

from myapp.models import Author, Book
from django.db.models import Subquery, OuterRef

subquery = Book.objects.filter(author=OuterRef('pk')).values('title')[:1]
authors = Author.objects.annotate(latest_book_title=Subquery(subquery))

Exists() and Subquery() let you check for the presence of related records and use the result in an annotation.

Example of using Exists() and Subquery() to annotate books that have reviews:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Exists, Subquery

books = Book.objects.annotate(has_reviews=Exists(

Extract() lets you extract parts of a date or time (such as year, month, day, hour, minute, etc.) and annotate your data with those values.

Example of using Extract() to annotate the publication year of books:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Extract

books = Book.objects.annotate(publication_year=Extract('publication_date', 'year'))

Expression() lets you build complex arithmetic and logical expressions in annotations.

Example of using ExpressionWrapper() to calculate the reading progress percentage of a book:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import ExpressionWrapper, F, FloatField

books = Book.objects.annotate(
    reading_progress=ExpressionWrapper((F('current_page') / F('total_pages')) * 100, output_field=FloatField())

Value() lets you add a fixed value in your annotations. This is handy when you want to add a constant value to each record.

Example of using Value() to add a “Pending” status to all books:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Value
from django.db.models.fields import CharField

books = Book.objects.annotate(status=Value('Pending', output_field=CharField()))

You can use Value() in a conditional expression to add a value based on specific criteria.

Example of using Value() with a condition to assign a “Best” label to books with the highest rating:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Value, Case, When

books = Book.objects.annotate(
        When(review__rating=5, then=Value('Best')),

Greatest() and Least()

These functions return the greatest or least value from a set of fields or expressions, which you can use in annotations.

Example of using Greatest() to annotate the maximum review rating:

from myapp.models import Book, Review
from django.db.models import Greatest

books = Book.objects.annotate(max_review_rating=Greatest('review__rating'))

NullIf() compares two values. If they are equal, it returns None (null), otherwise it returns the first value. This is useful when you need to handle cases where certain values match.

Example of using NullIf() to annotate books with zero reviews:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import NullIf

books = Book.objects.annotate(zero_reviews=NullIf('review_count', 0))

Func() allows you to apply SQL functions to fields in your annotation.

Example of using Func() to compute the square root of a field:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Func

books = Book.objects.annotate(sqrt_page_count=Func(F('total_pages'), function='SQRT'))

You can also use Func() with aggregation functions like Sum, Count, Avg, and others to build more complex annotations.

Example of using Func() with Sum to calculate the total number of pages read by all users:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Func, Sum

books = Book.objects.annotate(total_read_pages=Func(Sum('user__reading_progress')))

Substr() allows you to extract a substring from a text field.

Example of using Substr() to extract the first 5 characters of a book title:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Substr

books = Book.objects.annotate(first_five_characters=Substr('title', 1, 5))

RegexpReplace() is used to perform a regular expression-based search and replace in a string.

Example of using RegexpReplace() to replace all spaces in a book title with underscores:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import RegexpReplace

books = Book.objects.annotate(title_with_underscores=RegexpReplace('title', r'\s', '_'))

Upper() and Lower()

These functions convert letters in a string to uppercase or lowercase.

Example of using Upper() and Lower() to annotate books with titles in both upper and lower case:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Upper, Lower

books = Book.objects.annotate(title_upper=Upper('title'), title_lower=Lower('title'))

StrIndex() returns the position of a substring in a string.

Example of using StrIndex() to annotate the position of the word “Django” in a book title:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import StrIndex

books = Book.objects.annotate(django_position=StrIndex('title', 'Django'))

Concatenate() enables you to combine the values of string fields in a QuerySet into a single string.

Example of using Concat() to annotate a user’s full name:

from myapp.models import User
from django.db.models.functions import Concat
from django.db.models import F, CharField

users = User.objects.annotate(full_name=Concat('first_name', F('last_name'), output_field=CharField()))

Length() annotates the length (number of characters) of a string field. This is useful for working with text data.

Example of using Length() to annotate the length of a book title:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Length

books = Book.objects.annotate(title_length=Length('title'))

PadLeft() and PadRight()

These functions add padding to the left or right of a string field. This is handy when you need to align strings to a specific width.

Example of using PadLeft() to annotate a username with leading spaces up to 10 characters:

from myapp.models import User
from django.db.models.functions import PadLeft, Value

users = User.objects.annotate(padded_username=PadLeft('username', 10, Value(' ')))

Cast() is used to convert data to a specific type. This is helpful when you want to change the data type in your annotations.

Example of using Cast() to convert a date field to a string:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Cast
from django.db.models import CharField

books = Book.objects.annotate(publication_date_as_string=Cast('publication_date', CharField()))

Case() and When()

These let you create conditional expressions in your annotations. You can specify different results depending on whether conditions are met.

Example of using Case() and When() to set a book’s status based on popularity:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Case, When, Value

books = Book.objects.annotate(
        When(review__rating__gte=4, then=Value('Popular')),
        When(review__rating__lt=4, then=Value('Unpopular')),
        default=Value('No ratings')

UUID() allows you to annotate data as a universally unique identifier (UUID). This is useful when you need to work with unique IDs in your data model.

Example of using UUID() to annotate a user with a unique identifier:

from myapp.models import User
from django.db.models.functions import UUID

users = User.objects.annotate(user_uuid=UUID())

BinaryField() lets you annotate data as binary (bytes). This is helpful if you need to work with binary data such as images or files.

Example of using BinaryField() to annotate binary data from a book’s “image” field:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import BinaryField

books = Book.objects.annotate(image_data=BinaryField())

TruncDate() rounds a date to the specified level (day, month, year) for annotation.

Example of using TruncDate() to round publication dates of books to the month:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import TruncDate

books = Book.objects.annotate(publication_month=TruncDate('publication_date', 'month'))

Duration() allows you to annotate the difference between two dates or times as a time interval.

Example of using Duration() to calculate reading duration for each book:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Duration

books = Book.objects.annotate(reading_duration=Duration('start_date', 'end_date'))

Datetime() is used to annotate date and time fields. You can specify the format and transform the date/time as needed.

Example of using DateTime() to format a book’s publication date as “year-month-day”:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import DateTime

books = Book.objects.annotate(
    publication_date_formatted=DateTime('publication_date', format='%Y-%m-%d')

Trunc() rounds date and time fields to a specified unit (day, month, year, etc.). This is useful for annotation when you need to group data by a time period.

Example of using Trunc() to round publication dates to the month:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Trunc

books = Book.objects.annotate(publication_month=Trunc('publication_date', 'month'))

WeekDay() annotates the day of the week corresponding to a given date. This is useful when you want to analyze data by the day of the week.

Example of using WeekDay() to annotate the weekday of a book’s publication date:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import WeekDay

books = Book.objects.annotate(publication_weekday=WeekDay('publication_date'))

Week() lets you annotate the week number of a given date. This is handy for aggregating data by week.

Example of using Week() to annotate the week number of a book’s publication date:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Week

books = Book.objects.annotate(publication_week=Week('publication_date'))

Sin() and Cos()

These functions compute the sine and cosine of an angle expressed in radians. They are useful for mathematical operations on your data.

Example of using Sin() and Cos() to annotate the sine and cosine of an angle:

from myapp.models import Point
from django.db.models.functions import Sin, Cos

points = Point.objects.annotate(

Sqrt() computes the square root of a numeric value.

Example of using Sqrt() to annotate the square root of a value:

from myapp.models import Circle
from django.db.models.functions import Sqrt

circles = Circle.objects.annotate(radius_square_root=Sqrt('radius'))

Log() computes the natural logarithm of a numeric value, which can be useful for certain mathematical calculations.

Example of using Log() to annotate the natural log of a value:

from myapp.models import Product
from django.db.models.functions import Log

products = Product.objects.annotate(price_log=Log('price'))

First() and Last()

These functions let you annotate the first and last values in a QuerySet, which is helpful when you want to identify extreme values.

Example of using First() and Last() to annotate the earliest and latest publication dates of a book:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import First, Last

books = Book.objects.annotate(first_publication_date=First('publication_date'), last_publication_date=Last('publication_date'))

You can use Count with distinct=True to count unique values in a field, which is useful when you need the number of unique items in a QuerySet.

Example of using Count with distinct=True to count unique book genres:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Count

unique_genre_count = Book.objects.values('genre').annotate(genre_count=Count('genre', distinct=True))

ExpressionWrapper() lets you build complex expressions and computations within an annotation. You can combine fields, operators, and functions to create computed values.

Example of using ExpressionWrapper() to annotate the average book price in USD:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import ExpressionWrapper, F, DecimalField

books = Book.objects.annotate(
    avg_price_usd=ExpressionWrapper(F('avg_price') / 1.15, output_field=DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2))

Coalesce() returns the first non-null value from a list of fields. This is useful when you want to pick an available value from multiple alternatives.

Example of using Coalesce() to annotate the first available URL of a book:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce

books = Book.objects.annotate(first_available_url=Coalesce('official_url', 'alternative_url', 'backup_url'))

Least() and Greatest()

These functions let you pick the smallest or largest value from a set of fields or expressions and use it in an annotation.

Example of using Least() to annotate the lowest price among all books:

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Least

books = Book.objects.annotate(min_price=Least('price'))

Data Grouping and OrderedDict

Data grouping in Django allows you to combine records that meet a certain criterion and aggregate information within those groups. This is helpful when you need to get summary data for a specific attribute. The grouping process typically involves:

  1. Determining which field to group by.
  2. Applying aggregation functions (e.g., Sum, Count, Avg) to the data within each group.

To create an OrderedDict with aggregated data in Django, you can use the .values() method. This method lets you specify the fields you’d like to group by and annotate those fields with aggregated values.

Examples of Grouping

Grouping by Publication Year and Calculating the Average Price for Each Year

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Avg, ExtractYear

yearly_avg_prices = Book.objects.annotate(

Grouping by Genre and Finding the Genre with the Largest Number of Books

from myapp.models import Book
from django.db.models import Count, Max

most_popular_genre = Book.objects.values('genre').annotate(

Using values_list()

The values_list() method is part of many Django QuerySets and lets you retrieve only specific fields from a model as tuples or lists. This method comes in handy when you only need certain values from model objects, rather than entire objects.

Example of using values_list() to retrieve authors’ names and birth dates:

from myapp.models import Author

author_data = Author.objects.values_list('name', 'birth_date')


Annotation is a powerful feature in Django that allows you to aggregate, manipulate, and structure data in your database queries. In this article, we explored a variety of annotation methods—ranging from basic aggregation functions like Count, Sum, and Avg to more advanced functions such as Window(), RegexpReplace(), and Log(). You also learned how to group data and create dictionaries with aggregated information, enabling you to extract useful insights from your database.

Annotation plays a crucial role in Django-based web development. It helps optimize database queries by reducing unnecessary lookups and lowering server load. Moreover, annotation simplifies the retrieval of summary data, aggregation of information, and creation of custom reports. It equips developers with many tools for handling data, making Django a robust framework for building web applications.

In conclusion, mastering annotations in Django opens up new possibilities for working with data and building functional, informative web applications. We hope this article helps you better understand how to make the most of annotations in your projects.

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