User Publications Andrey Borokin, The page 3

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Andrey Borokin

Total posts: 24


WebSocket and Django Channels

  • Publication Date: 11 November 2023
Картинка к публикации: WebSocket and Django Channels

WebSockets are an advanced technology that enables interactive communication between a user’s browser and a server. This is accomplished by creating a “socket”—a persistent communication channel that remains open, allowing both parties to send data at any time.

List of Annotation Methods in Django

  • Publication Date: 31 October 2023
Картинка к публикации: List of Annotation Methods in Django

An annotation in Django is a tool that lets you enhance and extend database queries. It enables you to add calculated values, aggregated data, and other extra fields to query results without having to modify your database schema. An annotation helps you retrieve the data you need in a convenient format, which is especially useful for creating complex queries.

Understanding REST APIs with Python Examples

  • Publication Date: 12 October 2023
Картинка к публикации: Understanding REST APIs with Python Examples

REST, or Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style for designing networked applications. Originally proposed by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation in 2000, REST has become the backbone of many modern web services. Let’s break down what REST is, how it works, and why it’s so important.

Git Command Cheat Sheet

  • Publication Date: 03 April 2023
Картинка к публикации: Git Command Cheat Sheet

Git is a version control system that allows you to efficiently manage and track changes in source code and other files. Git enables multiple people to work on the same project simultaneously, making changes and merging them into a single version. It is one of the most popular version control systems and is widely used in various projects, including software development, scientific research, websites, and much more.

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